Monday, January 25, 2010

Tortilla Warmer I'm Making Soft Tacos Tonight, How Can I Prepare The Tortilla Shell Without It Getting Hard In The Warmer?

I'm making soft tacos tonight, how can I prepare the tortilla shell without it getting hard in the warmer? - tortilla warmer

I buy the store brand Torillo shell. I cross into the warmer and seems to be clear and hard. What can I do to smooth?


NickP said...

Microwave with a paper towel on top. Retains moisture, so they are soft and perfect.

Sugar Pie said...

I assume you speak of flour tortillas for soft tacos. (if you mean the corn tortillas, which are not designed for soft tacos - and the crispy fries).

Only in foil or parchment and the atomic bomb of about 35 seconds. Salen soft, subdued, and wonderful! Or, if you have a warm tortilla Case / server (which in flour tortillas served in a restaurant), the atomic bomb and for a few seconds.

mexi_fry... said...

OK for 1 piece ... depending on whether you speak of flour or cereal!?
Flour ... Heat a pot / pan on the stove and let it warm tortilla times to convert a few. You must begin to brown spots on it! You know when your attention is warm enough not to burn!
Corn ... and bought from missiles or simply corn tortillas!?
What not to buy pre-fabricated sheds! If your corn tortillas ... Heat a little oil in a pan. Drop The tortilla .. Inches with a spatula or tongs to turn the shape of a shell. Although the oil lamp and remove it. You can also deposit drives the same way ... Let stand in the extra fat. lose with a plate with paper towel on it, some fat! Enjoy!

Christopher K said...

There are two things you can do what I have to work, know
1. put them in the microwave and put it with a damp cloth or kitchen paper over it and heat for about 30 seconds to a minute. They remain flexible.
2. she put them in a saucepan and heat on low and over again.
The reason why it is difficult because it makes them sit too long on one side and always toasts (for lack of better wording)

Paul and Kelle A said...

I do it in two ways.
1). Lay tortillas on a plate, each separated by a damp paper towel for about 45 seconds in the microwave. I would like wetlands, which wants to drown in their original moisture again stressed. So, a little water is fine.
2.) Not so healthy but I like it anyway so. Put a little butter or oil on the floor of a large skillet over medium heat. Place the tortillas in a time and fry on each side at the point where large bubbles appear at the bottom again, then left. DAB is excess oil or butter when you're done.
Hope this helps.

blackciv... said...

You should get something is Torillo tank foam polystyrene and the resistance to heat, heat the pan warm place in a saucepan over low heat until the mid-term Turnix and then again a paper towel in the bottom tray then Torillo cell, which add more but worth the wait


Kris L said...

Double three paper towels twice set, he has three sides. Wet it, wring it out and flatten, and in the top and bottom of the tank (all rounds at once, not one after the other) and put them in the warmer ... Hold water mussels towels soft and comfortable.

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