Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Do I Make My Homemade Cappuccino Foam How Do You Make Homemade Cappuccino Foam?

How do you make homemade Cappuccino foam? - how do i make my homemade cappuccino foam

Ok. Hello everyone! i love cappuccino and the nearest place that makes good cappuccino McDonalds shit. is just like an hour. and me and my family do not visit often. I must learn not to foam.i Cappucinno on coffee, so that u .. may skip

PS I do not have a blender, mixer or fancy electronic stuff, so to say that I like to do manually. thank u


4i's said...

You can try this ... Warm milk in a saucepan or a microwave oven (not hot or burning) of the milk and then with a fork or a whisk (if applicable to beat) to. Then add your coffee! Yum!

TJTB said...

Instant coffee works best if you do not foam. Take a few spoonfuls of the snapshot and the same amount of sugar for him. Add very little milk hot enough to make powder (coffee and sugar) into a thick liquid (it takes much less milk than it seems). Take a fork and beat out the kiss of death "of him. They make a light color if they take a good amount of air in it. Then spread the thick mixture into cups and add the hot milk for a cup cappuccino. It's not as frothy as the machine works, but a very good version.
Sugar to taste.

Rizi said...

The only way to make foam for cappuccino to really steam. If you do not have a pot to steam cappuccino or milk, no foam cappuccino as they may be in the cafeteria, because aireate the boiling milk, not just the surface.

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